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UKJS2020 AGM - JITRI - Paul E Burrows

Release time:2020-12-18 Readin:1417

UKJS2020 AGM - Registration

Full Name

Paul Burrows





Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute (JITRI)


Vice President









Academic Field




Please indicate you will attend the AGM as

x Senior Management

□ University Representative

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 Staff/ student from member universities


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If you’d like to be a speaker, please choose

□ Presidents Panel

□ Healthcare Panel

□ Advanced Manufacturing Panel

□ Environmental Engineering Panel

x University-Industry-Research Collaboration Forum 


If you’d like to be a host of any session, please choose

□ Presidents Panel

□ Healthcare Panel

□ Advanced Manufacturing Panel

□ Environmental Engineering Panel

 University-Industry-Research Collaboration Forum


If you’d like to attend as an audience, please choose

□ Presidents Panel

□ Healthcare Panel

□ Advanced Manufacturing Panel

□ Environmental Engineering Panel

 University-Industry-Research Collaboration Forum


Short Bio

(300 words max)


Dr. Burrows is the Vice President for Overseas Cooperation at the Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute in Nanjing, China. He has over 30 years of research experience, including consulting for both executive government and industry leadership. He previously served as Senior Vice President for R&D at the Institute of New Energy, Shenzhen, China, and also worked for KB Science in Boston, USA, serving as Chief Research Development Officer. His work there included leading clients on strategy, team science and competitive proposal development for large-scale center proposals.

Paul obtained a PhD in Physics from Queen Mary College, University of London, in 1989. He was a Research Scientist in the Frontier Research Program at the Riken Institute in Japan and also held research appointments at the University of Southern California and Princeton University, where he was a Research Scholar from 1997 to 2000. He helped found Universal Display Corporation (Nasdaq listed in 1996) and is a co-inventor of phosphorescent organic light emitting devices (OLEDs) and stacked, color-tunable OLEDs. He subsequently joined Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) as a Laboratory Fellow, where he managed the successful Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Initiative (funded at over $5 million) and built a research program in solid state lighting with the DOE along with a > $1 million/year OLED research group at PNNL. He won a Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer award for excellence in technology transfer in 2002 for the thin film encapsulation technology that formed the basis of a second startup, Vitex Systems, sold to Samsung in 2010.

He has over 110 publications in refereed journals and is a co-inventor of 122 issued U.S. Patents in the field of organic semiconductors, thin film technology and solid state lighting.

Please fill in the information below if you are giving a presentation.

Title of Presentation

The JITRI Innovation Ecosystem and University Partnerships

Abstract of Presentation


The Jiangsu Industrial Research Technology Institute’s strategy to catalyze industry-university cooperation and transform Jiangsu Province industry to an innovation-driven model will be described.









If you are giving a presentation on the University-Industry-Research Collaboration Forum, please give a brief introduction on the technological advancement, research development, intellectual property rights, benefits, preferred enterprises & collaboration model, etc. 800 words max.


JITRI was born in 2013 by bringing together 23 Research Institutes that were already in operation. Originally functioning under the auspices of universities or the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), these first 23 JITRI Institutes were incubated to combine university innovation with local industry demands in what was termed a “One Institute, Two Systems” model. For example, a professor could continue to lead an academic research team while also developing a team at the Institute, thus taking advantage of the best university innovation while working more effectively with industry; an important bridge between scientific innovation and industrial applications.

In 2016 JITRI began to add new Institutes to its system, using a new model that further prioritized a strong connection between research and industry. The “JITRI Project Manager” program accepts proposals for new Institutes or companies to be established in Jiangsu. It then invests time and funding support to incubate the best ideas; helping each Project Manager build a team, understand the local industrial landscape and research and development needs, and make connections with sources of capital that often include local governments and industrial parks. The team includes experts in early-stage technology investment, helping to ensure that each Institute is designed to land in the best environment and with the right resources to grow. For major projects that are closer to commercialization, JITRI has designed a peer review mechanism and a project support protocol for Project Managers that includes a special financial support mechanism of a research grant that converts into shares upon completion of the project, ensuring that the research team maintains full control in the critical early stages of market risk.

JITRI helps its Institutes connect to innovation resources, both domestic (e.g. Chinese universities and research institutes) and international. This can include the direct funding of needed research overseas or establishing joint PhD or Postdoctoral programs with overseas universities as a second bridge to Jiangsu industry. By the end of 2019, JITRI had established strategic cooperation with 45 overseas and 33 domestic universities and institutes, cultivated 390 postgraduates, doctors and postdocs, and carried out more than 120 cooperation projects.

A final key is to determine where local industry needs research and development in order to innovate, and to ensure that JITRI’s investments in infrastructure and talent go where they are needed. From 2017, therefore, JITRI also turned its attention to partnering with local enterprises that are each leaders in their respective industry sector, working first to understand their research needs and then to connect them to the best innovation resources. One aspect of this is the building of JITRI Joint Innovation Centers (JICs), tasked with gathering industry needs, identifying goals, and funding research to achieve those goals. We have now co-established over 90 JICs with Jiangsu small and medium enterprises.

In sum, JITRI develops three critical resources: research talent such as JITRI Fellows to lead research, Program Managers to build enterprises, postdocs and students to develop research careers; funding resources, both investment capital and funding partners who know how to invest in technology in the Chinese market from early stage to IPO; and vehicles for technology development in the form of Institutes with the capability not just for technology research but also for technology service… where local industry can go when it needs help solving a problem.  JITRI’s goal is to funnel a concentrated mixture of diverse innovation into spaces that will transform the industrial character of Jiangsu Province; seeding a mixture of talent, resources and industry that will grow, cross-pollinate, and seed further new ideas, literally fertilizing a new innovation ecosystem.


Please return this form to Cynthia Wang via email  Y.C.Wang@liverpool.ac.uk

For senior management, representative & Panel speaker, please register before 9th October 2020

For audience attendees, please register before 16th October, 2020
