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UKJS2020 AGM - Hull - Daniel Parsons

Release time:2020-12-29 Readin:1326

UKJS2020 AGM - Registration

Full Name

Daniel Parsons





University of Hull


Director of Energy and Environment Institute


Please attach a photo here. Alternatively, please email as an attachment to

Cynthia via email  Y.C.Wang@liverpool.ac.uk  


Energy % Environment Institute



Academic Field

Sedimentologist, Environmental Science

Please indicate you will attend the AGM as

□ Senior Management

□ University Representative

□ Academic

X Panel/ Forum Speaker  

 Staff/ student from member universities


If you choose other, please specify___ __________________


If you’d like to be a speaker, please choose

□ Presidents Panel

□ Healthcare Panel

□ Advanced Manufacturing Panel

 Environmental Engineering Panel 

X University-Industry-Research Collaboration Forum 


If you’d like to be a host of any session, please choose

□ Presidents Panel

□ Healthcare Panel

□ Advanced Manufacturing Panel

□ Environmental Engineering Panel

 University-Industry-Research Collaboration Forum


If you’d like to attend as an audience, please choose

□ Presidents Panel

□ Healthcare Panel

□ Advanced Manufacturing Panel

X Environmental Engineering Panel 

X University-Industry-Research Collaboration Forum 


Short Bio

(300 words max)

Under the leadership of Professor Parsons, the Energy and Environment Institute has gathered together multidisciplinary team of over 80 researchers to conduct impactful research on the global challenges presented by environmental change, anthropogenic impacts and securing a low-carbon energy supply. The EEI has a portfolio of active research grants and projects of over £21M, and hosts two taught MSc programmes as well as being home to the EPSRC-NERC Aura Centre for Doctoral Training in Offshore Wind and Environment.

Professor Parsons is an active researcher in areas related to fluvial, estuarine, coastal and deep marine sedimentary environments, exploring responses of these systems to climate and environmental change. He has research interests in anthropogenic disturbances to these systems and determining necessary societal adaptations to mitigate the impact of change - for example understanding how evolving flood risk on large mega-deltas can impact populations and related regional and global food security - through to understanding the impact of plastics, particularly in coastal and marine environments.

Professor Parsons also has research interests in environmental scale modelling, innovative environmental measurement technologies and in areas related to offshore renewable energy.


Please fill in the information below if you are giving a presentation.

Title of Presentation

Aura CDT – Research on Offshore Wind Energy and the Environment

Abstract of Presentation


The Offshore Wind Energy Sector is one of the largest growing sectors in the world, requiring more than 2000 turbines installed in the next 10 years in the UK alone. Located in the Humber Energy Estuary, the £5million EPSRC-NERC funded Aura Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Offshore Wind Energy and the Environment is multi-institutional programme developed in collaboration with our national and international industry partners. Through cross-discipline engineering and environmental research, we are developing innovative solutions to contemporary challenges faced by the offshore wind energy sector. We are focused on developing talent and future leaders that understand environmentally sustainable development throughout the whole lifecycle of offshore wind energy production. From turning textile waste into turbine blades, to hydrogen energy storage systems, together with our industry partners the Aura CDT is leading the sector in driving circular economy and protecting biodiversity during the rapid expansion of this technology.



If you are giving a presentation on the University-Industry-Research Collaboration Forum, please give a brief introduction on the technological advancement, research development, intellectual property rights, benefits, preferred enterprises & collaboration model, etc. 800 words max.






Please return this form to Cynthia Wang via email  Y.C.Wang@liverpool.ac.uk

For senior management, representative & Panel speaker, please register before 9th October 2020

For audience attendees, please register before 16th October, 2020
